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n0b0Dy pErFecT

hello peeps ! welcome to my low profile blog . nothing special about me but if you follow my blog i will sure that i will follow your back . wink :))

gEdiK+gEdiK = ♥

heart you ~ wink2 shhhh ^_^




hmmmm ~.~
Ahad, 4 Disember 2011 | 8:27 PG | 0 comment
sekali lg aku jalani ary yg xde makna lgsung
ape larh nasb aku ny kan
asek sedey memanjang
selalu jd kat aku !
ary tu about my parent
skrg ble da selesai suma uhh
bru nak hepi cked
gado ngan acap plak
mabye suma salah aku kan
errrhhhhhhhhhh !
nape aku x excident bg mati jew weyh
sumpah aku da xlarat nk sedey lg
hidup aku xdak makna da ny ;'(

bieeeee.. biy rindu sngt ngn bie tahu.. kan da jnji tanak gado.. hmmm ;'(

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